Benjamin De Loenen
Founder and Executive Director ICEERS

The psychedelic renaissance: What's in the way of the promise of a healing revolution?

The Psychedelic Renaissance is at a breakthrough moment, to many the realisation of its promise lies around the corner. At moments like this it is important to take a step back and reflect on what we have learned along the way and examine the blindspots that need to be addressed if we want to avoid ending up with business as usual instead.

In this presentation Benjamin will share how the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund (IMC Fund) came into being from a direct request from Indigenous leaders to be an Indigenous-led vehicle for building alliances with global funders, psychedelic leaders and conservation organisations, coming in right relationship with Indigenous community and spiritual leaders, working together to support their efforts on the ground to heal, repair and protect their territories, traditional knowledge, sacred medicines and way of life. The IMC Fund is pioneering a new paradigm in philanthropy, directly led by Indigenous community and spiritual leaders, for building relationships of trust between Western and Indigenous entities, and weaving the relationships that are needed for this space in this pivotal moment.

Benjamin De Loenen, M.A., studied audiovisual media and communications in The Netherlands, where he graduated with honors from his Masters with his documentary “Ibogaine-Rite of Passage” (2004). Since then Benjamin has been dedicated to the challenges that come with the globalization of Iboga, Ayahuasca and other traditional Indigenous Medicines through an organization he founded called the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS): a charitable non-profit organisation with United Nations consultative status, where he serves as Executive Director.

Benjamin is the author of several publications and films, has presented at conferences around the world, and has participated in various leadership roles, including as a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Ibogaine Therapist Alliance (2012 – 2014). Since 2022 he serves as co-Director of the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund, an Indigenous-Led Fund, supporting biocultural conservation efforts by Indigenous grassroots organizations on the ground in Africa and the Americas.